Netflix's "Thelma the Unicorn" presents an unexceptional animated feature, faithfully adapting the popular children's book but lacking the magic and originality to truly shine. However, the film finds some amusement in its offbeat background characters, who provide a quirky counterpoint to the otherwise bland narrative.
Netflix's "Thelma the Unicorn" is a by-the-numbers animated adaptation of the children's book of the same name. Directed by Jared Hess, the film follows Thelma, a young unicorn who leaves her enchanted forest to explore the human world. Along the way, she encounters a colorful cast of characters, including a grumpy troll, a bumbling magician, and a wise-cracking squirrel.
Despite its familiar plot and predictable trajectory, "Thelma the Unicorn" has its moments of charm. The animation is vibrant and engaging, and the voice cast, including Ellie Kemper, Paul Giamatti, and Adam Scott, delivers solid performances.
However, the film struggles to find its own unique voice. The plot progression is formulaic, the jokes fall flat, and the characters are shallow and underdeveloped. Thelma herself is a bland protagonist, lacking the depth and charisma to carry the film on her own.
One area where "Thelma the Unicorn" excels is in its quirky background characters. Hess, who previously directed the cult classic "Napoleon Dynamite," has a knack for creating eccentric and memorable characters. From the perpetually angry troll to the hapless magician, these supporting players add a spark of levity to the otherwise mundane proceedings.
While the main narrative may not be particularly captivating, the film's oddball supporting cast provides some genuine entertainment. The troll's constant outbursts of rage, the magician's misadventures, and the squirrel's endless supply of puns offer moments of genuine laughter amidst the otherwise lackluster storytelling.
Unfortunately, the supporting characters alone cannot save "Thelma the Unicorn" from its overall mediocrity. The film lacks the emotional depth, originality, and memorable moments that would elevate it from the realm of the forgettable to the truly exceptional.
As it stands, "Thelma the Unicorn" is a passable animated feature that will likely appeal to young children due to its vibrant visuals and quirky characters. However, older viewers may find themselves underwhelmed by the film's uninspired narrative and bland protagonist.